Wenhao Deng

First In Last Out

This is where I'll be dropping my thoughts, stories, and a bit of everything in between.

HR, NDCG, and MRR: An easy implementation with TorchMetrics

To assess the performance of Recommender systems, we need to have reliable evaluation metrics. In this blog post, we will discuss three popular metrics: Hit Rate (HR), Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG), and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). We will also show you how to easily implement these metrics using TorchMetrics and integrate them into a PyTorch Lightning model.

Limitation of ChatGPT in Causal Inference

In the realm of artificial intelligence, the ability to understand and reason about causality has always been a significant challenge. In a recent exchange on Twitter, Turing Prize Laureate Judea Pearl and AI enthusiast Jim Fan discussed the limitations of GPT, a state-of-the-art language model, in inferring causal relationships.

Falsificationism and Bayesianism

Philosophy of science is a discipline that studies the nature, methods, categories, and knowledge structure of science. Among them, falsificationism and Bayesianism are two important philosophical views on science, which emphasize different reasoning methods and evidence verification methods.